Source code for mypackage._mymodule

import numpy as np
import torch
from scvi import _CONSTANTS
from scvi.distributions import ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial
from scvi.module.base import BaseModuleClass, LossRecorder, auto_move_data
from scvi.nn import DecoderSCVI, Encoder
from torch.distributions import Normal
from torch.distributions import kl_divergence as kl

torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

[docs]class MyModule(BaseModuleClass): """ Skeleton Variational auto-encoder model. Here we implement a basic version of scVI's underlying VAE [Lopez18]_. This implementation is for instructional purposes only. Parameters ---------- n_input Number of input genes n_batch Number of batches, if 0, no batch correction is performed. n_hidden Number of nodes per hidden layer n_latent Dimensionality of the latent space n_layers Number of hidden layers used for encoder and decoder NNs dropout_rate Dropout rate for neural networks """ def __init__( self, n_input: int, n_batch: int = 0, n_hidden: int = 128, n_latent: int = 10, n_layers: int = 1, dropout_rate: float = 0.1, ): super().__init__() self.n_latent = n_latent self.n_batch = n_batch # this is needed to comply with some requirement of the VAEMixin class self.latent_distribution = "normal" # setup the parameters of your generative model, as well as your inference model self.px_r = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(n_input)) # z encoder goes from the n_input-dimensional data to an n_latent-d # latent space representation self.z_encoder = Encoder( n_input, n_latent, n_layers=n_layers, n_hidden=n_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, ) # l encoder goes from n_input-dimensional data to 1-d library size self.l_encoder = Encoder( n_input, 1, n_layers=1, n_hidden=n_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, ) # decoder goes from n_latent-dimensional space to n_input-d data self.decoder = DecoderSCVI( n_latent, n_input, n_layers=n_layers, n_hidden=n_hidden, ) def _get_inference_input(self, tensors): """Parse the dictionary to get appropriate args""" x = tensors[_CONSTANTS.X_KEY] input_dict = dict(x=x) return input_dict def _get_generative_input(self, tensors, inference_outputs): z = inference_outputs["z"] library = inference_outputs["library"] input_dict = { "z": z, "library": library, } return input_dict
[docs] @auto_move_data def inference(self, x): """ High level inference method. Runs the inference (encoder) model. """ # log the input to the variational distribution for numerical stability x_ = torch.log(1 + x) # get variational parameters via the encoder networks qz_m, qz_v, z = self.z_encoder(x_) ql_m, ql_v, library = self.l_encoder(x_) outputs = dict(z=z, qz_m=qz_m, qz_v=qz_v, ql_m=ql_m, ql_v=ql_v, library=library) return outputs
[docs] @auto_move_data def generative(self, z, library): """Runs the generative model.""" # form the parameters of the ZINB likelihood px_scale, _, px_rate, px_dropout = self.decoder("gene", z, library) px_r = torch.exp(self.px_r) return dict( px_scale=px_scale, px_r=px_r, px_rate=px_rate, px_dropout=px_dropout )
[docs] def loss( self, tensors, inference_outputs, generative_outputs, kl_weight: float = 1.0, ): x = tensors[_CONSTANTS.X_KEY] local_l_mean = tensors[_CONSTANTS.LOCAL_L_MEAN_KEY] local_l_var = tensors[_CONSTANTS.LOCAL_L_VAR_KEY] qz_m = inference_outputs["qz_m"] qz_v = inference_outputs["qz_v"] ql_m = inference_outputs["ql_m"] ql_v = inference_outputs["ql_v"] px_rate = generative_outputs["px_rate"] px_r = generative_outputs["px_r"] px_dropout = generative_outputs["px_dropout"] mean = torch.zeros_like(qz_m) scale = torch.ones_like(qz_v) kl_divergence_z = kl(Normal(qz_m, torch.sqrt(qz_v)), Normal(mean, scale)).sum( dim=1 ) kl_divergence_l = kl( Normal(ql_m, torch.sqrt(ql_v)), Normal(local_l_mean, torch.sqrt(local_l_var)), ).sum(dim=1) reconst_loss = ( -ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial(mu=px_rate, theta=px_r, zi_logits=px_dropout) .log_prob(x) .sum(dim=-1) ) kl_local_for_warmup = kl_divergence_z kl_local_no_warmup = kl_divergence_l weighted_kl_local = kl_weight * kl_local_for_warmup + kl_local_no_warmup loss = torch.mean(reconst_loss + weighted_kl_local) kl_local = dict( kl_divergence_l=kl_divergence_l, kl_divergence_z=kl_divergence_z ) kl_global = 0.0 return LossRecorder(loss, reconst_loss, kl_local, kl_global)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def sample( self, tensors, n_samples=1, library_size=1, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Generate observation samples from the posterior predictive distribution. The posterior predictive distribution is written as :math:`p(\hat{x} \mid x)`. Parameters ---------- tensors Tensors dict n_samples Number of required samples for each cell library_size Library size to scale scamples to Returns ------- x_new : :py:class:`torch.Tensor` tensor with shape (n_cells, n_genes, n_samples) """ inference_kwargs = dict(n_samples=n_samples) inference_outputs, generative_outputs, = self.forward( tensors, inference_kwargs=inference_kwargs, compute_loss=False, ) px_r = generative_outputs["px_r"] px_rate = generative_outputs["px_rate"] px_dropout = generative_outputs["px_dropout"] dist = ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial( mu=px_rate, theta=px_r, zi_logits=px_dropout ) if n_samples > 1: exprs = dist.sample().permute( [1, 2, 0] ) # Shape : (n_cells_batch, n_genes, n_samples) else: exprs = dist.sample() return exprs.cpu()
[docs] @torch.no_grad() @auto_move_data def marginal_ll(self, tensors, n_mc_samples): sample_batch = tensors[_CONSTANTS.X_KEY] local_l_mean = tensors[_CONSTANTS.LOCAL_L_MEAN_KEY] local_l_var = tensors[_CONSTANTS.LOCAL_L_VAR_KEY] to_sum = torch.zeros(sample_batch.size()[0], n_mc_samples) for i in range(n_mc_samples): # Distribution parameters and sampled variables inference_outputs, generative_outputs, losses = self.forward(tensors) qz_m = inference_outputs["qz_m"] qz_v = inference_outputs["qz_v"] z = inference_outputs["z"] ql_m = inference_outputs["ql_m"] ql_v = inference_outputs["ql_v"] library = inference_outputs["library"] # Reconstruction Loss reconst_loss = losses.reconstruction_loss # Log-probabilities p_l = Normal(local_l_mean, local_l_var.sqrt()).log_prob(library).sum(dim=-1) p_z = ( Normal(torch.zeros_like(qz_m), torch.ones_like(qz_v)) .log_prob(z) .sum(dim=-1) ) p_x_zl = -reconst_loss q_z_x = Normal(qz_m, qz_v.sqrt()).log_prob(z).sum(dim=-1) q_l_x = Normal(ql_m, ql_v.sqrt()).log_prob(library).sum(dim=-1) to_sum[:, i] = p_z + p_l + p_x_zl - q_z_x - q_l_x batch_log_lkl = torch.logsumexp(to_sum, dim=-1) - np.log(n_mc_samples) log_lkl = torch.sum(batch_log_lkl).item() return log_lkl