

my_package can be installed via PyPI.

conda prerequisites

  1. Install Conda. We typically use the Miniconda Python distribution. Use Python version >=3.7.

  2. Create a new conda environment:

    conda create -n scvi-env python=3.7
  3. Activate your environment:

    source activate scvi-env

pip prerequisites:

  1. Install Python, we prefer the pyenv version management system, along with pyenv-virtualenv.

  2. Install PyTorch. If you have an Nvidia GPU, be sure to install a version of PyTorch that supports it – scvi-tools runs much faster with a discrete GPU.

my_package installation

Install my_package in one of the following ways:

Through pip:

pip install <my_package>

Through pip with packages to run notebooks. This installs scanpy, etc.:

pip install <my_package>[tutorials]

Nightly version - clone this repo and run:

pip install .

For development - clone this repo and run:

pip install -e .[dev,docs]